Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I'm back ... Sort of

Hi, everyone.

It's been awhile, hasn't it? Well, that's what university does for you. As predicted, I got super busy almost right out of the gate starting third year, and since then, I've had very little time to read and blog. But I'm here now. And I read about four books over my reading week, which ended back on Sunday. Mostly horror, but a few historical things in there as well. I'm trying to get more into the reviewing atmosphere for books, so I might join Net Galley or Book Look in the next little while so I can get more books to review.

I'm going to try and change the way I do business around here a little bit too and make it be a more professional looking blog, so I can go into a book-reviewing career of some sort. I'm not going to drastically change things, just polish it up a little bit. What I'm going to try to do is cross-post on Goodreads whenever I make a review, and post on Facebook and possibly Twitter once a review has gone live over here. I'm going to try and be a more active book-reviewer.

I'm hoping to get more reviews up, but it's assignment time coming up in the next little while. I only have a month and a bit left to go until I'm done third year, so I'm hoping to read a lot this summer and document what I read. While I am doing a summer course in the second half of the summer semester, it won't be an intensive 12-week affair. I don't have a class until 6pm tonight and it's 8:30 here right now, so expect something soon.

That's all for me right now. I'll have my first review up from reading week soon!

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