Thursday, August 18, 2016


Hello blogosphere!

As I'm sure you have guessed from the url and blog title, I'm Gillian. I'm a 20-something Canadian, about to go into my third year at Trent University with a double major in English Literature and History (no, I don't want to be a teacher).

I like to read, listen to music, travel, watch movies and be out and about. This blog will be primarily about what I'm reading, but there will also be a few "life" posts sprinkled in here as well (I'm not that boring! :P)

I did say that I don't want to be a teacher. My career goal is literary agent or something else in the publishing field that involves reading and advocating for unpublished books to become published. In order to reach this goal, in all likelihood I will have to go on to get my M.A. following my B.A.H.

As I mentioned, I love reading, and it is one of my favourite things to do when I am not working or doing things for school. I have a long list of favourite books, that keeps growing. Right now, I'm currently reading Dubliners, a collection of short stories by James Joyce, and it's my goal to read his great tome Ulysses as well as the nonsensical Finnegans Wake. I've recently finished Joe Hill's book The Fireman as well as Thomas Olde Heuvelt's Dutch-to-English HEX, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. Since I am an English student, I might post on the books I read in my English classes as well. School starts for me in a couple of weeks, and I'm getting my textbooks for the fall semester soon, in the next week or two, so I might post on that as well.

I did try to make a separate Instagram page for my reading posts only, but it wasn't letting me, and I prefer written reviews to photos with a quick blurb about my thoughts, so I figured a blog was the best way to express my thoughts on the books I read. I have tried blogging in the past, and I'm sure my abandoned blogs are still out there in the Internet void, but this time I'm really going to try and stick with it.

When I'm not reading, working or at school, I enjoy listening to music, watching movies, going on adventures and travelling. My ideal travel destination is Ireland, my favourite place I've never been to.

Happy reading!
- Gillian

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